When you install Greenshot, you’re given the option to include a few different plugins, each of which interfaces with a popular image hosting site: Imgur, Box, Dropbox, Flickr, Picasa, and Photobucket. Screenshots can be saved directly to your computer, copied to your clipboard for pasting elsewhere, sent directly to your printer, inserted into Microsoft Office, opened in MS Paint, or uploaded to an image service.

If you select JPG, you can set the quality and reduce the color palette to 256 colors if you so wish. Choose the output format that you want for the capture: GIF, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, and Greenshot format. Other than taking actual screenshots, there are a few other cool things you can do with Greenshot: Unfortunately, other browsers are not supported and I don’t know if there are future plans for that. Very useful for when you want to capture a web page that’s too long and requires a lot of scrolling. If you use Internet Explorer, this mode will screenshot the entire web page that’s currently open in the browser. Note: If you use multiple monitors, this mode will only capture the active monitor! The active monitor is the one with the mouse cursor in it. Under this mode, the entire screen’s contents will be captured. All open windows are included in the list. You have to click on the system tray and pick the intended window from a list. Due to the nature of it, there is no hotkey. For those cases when you want to screenshot a window without selecting it, this mode comes in handy. This mode is pretty awesome as it can capture the whole window, just the contents of the window, or even just the title bar of the window depending on where you click. Under this mode, you can pick which window to capture with a single click. If you want to take multiple screenshots of the same region, e.g., to monitor change over time, this one will do as the name implies: screenshot the same region that you selected last time. The cursor comes with horizontal and vertical lines (easier to line up with screen elements) and a magnifier (for precision capture). Under this mode, a cursor will appear that allows you to drag-and-select a region of the screen that you want to capture. Otherwise, the faster way is to just press the hotkey combination for the screenshot mode you want. When Greenshot is installed, you can take a screenshot by clicking on the system tray icon and selecting the type of screenshot you want.